Ahfad University for Women (Sudan) The white stick on its International Day, leads the Carnival of the Ahfad University for Girls and roams the streets of Omdurman
The White Stick on its International Day, leads the grandchildren university carnival for girls and roams the streets of Omdurman.
In celebration of the International Day of the White Stick, under the slogan “The White Stick is the Eye of the Blind”. The School of Psychology and Kindergarten (specializing in special education) at Ahfad University for Girls organized on Sunday morning, 30/10/2022, and in the hall of “Mahmoud Al-Sheikh Lectures” a mass event for her mother to a group of attendees. During which she presented various paragraphs, including a lecture on the characteristics and functions of the white stick and how important it is as an eye for the blind, and reviewed the five movements of the stick that the general public should know. The event was also punctuated by lyrical links and a performance of a play that dealt with a successful dramatic construction of how the blind overcome the difficulties of life and his ability to excel, the show won the approval of the audience. The carnival roamed with the participation of a feature of the traffic police in the locality of Omdurman, and to the tune of its band the main streets of the city are led by a group of white stick holders. The scene found a warm welcome by vehicle riders and the general public.