Ahfad University for Women (Sudan) Al-Ahfad University for Girls Organized a Workshop on Monday Morning

Al-Ahfad University for Girls organized on Monday morning, October 31, in Mahmoud Haj Al-Sheikh Hall, a workshop on the results of the basic study to evaluate and study social norms related to female genital mutilation and amputation, child marriage, early marriage and villages in Southern Kordofan and Central Darfur states.
The workshop was attended by Prof. Nafisa Mohammed Abdul Karim Badri, Director of the Office of Information and Advocacy of Gender, Rights and Reproductive Health, school deans and representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Council for Childhood and Motherhood, international organizations and a number of embassies.
Dr. Nada Habbash, Representative of the Office of Information and Advocacy for Gender and Rights at Canon Aid Norway and Save the Children World welcomed the Norwegian-American and Dutch embassies, the Qatari qualitative presence represented in the states of Southern Kordofan and Central Darfur, relevant local organizations and experts interested in issues of gender, rights and recognition.
Dr. Yousry Mahmoud, Project Coordinator at Ahfad University for Girls, reviewed the results of the research and analysis of information through technical aids The main objective of the study is to identify the causes and societal motives for continuing or abandoning female genital mutilation and early marriage of children.
The availability of the platform for the attendees to express their opinion and put forward inputs raised many questions and provided interventions from the audience to which the platform and the research team responded.
Prof. Nafisa Mohamed Abdul Karim Badri commented on the totality of questions and interventions that enriched the workshop with discussion and brainstorming based on the results of the field study of the cities and villages of Southern Kordofan and Central Darfur.
The workshop concluded the praise, acceptance and positive criticism of the study and methodology followed to change behavior and change social norms through community dialogue. And dialogue between different generations. It is the young and clergy investing in girls’ education.